What is an electric Cargo Bike?
Electric cargo bikes are built to safely carry heavier loads such as children, commercial goods or life's everyday necessities. Often used instead of cars, e-cargo bikes have specific engineering and features to be reliable heavy-duty everyday transporters. Some allow loads up to 220kg, some have two batteries for longer distances, and some offer dual suspension for rider comfort and sensitive cargo.
What is the Best E-Cargo Bike For Families?
Cargo bikes come in two main styles – long tail or a front loader. What is best for your family is a style preference and also depends on who and how many are to be carried. Long-tails, where the cargo sits on the rear rack, are typically designed to carry one or two children or an adult whereas the front loaders can carry up to three depending on the model.
What is the Best Cargo eBike for Businesses?
Cargo bikes with their large load capacities are a great tool for businesses. Which cargo ebike is best really depends on the type of cargo you plan to carry or the function that you need it to do. Flatbed front loaders are a popular choice if transporting large volume items and if you need a transporter for tight urban spaces then consider the compact cargo ebikes.